Thursday, July 26, 2007

R134A and How to Roll Cool in the City

O.K. so as mentioned on the last blog ( You Got A Fast Car.....I Don't ), my intention was to fix the A/C on my 1994 Saturn using R134A freon I bought for 30 bucks at a local auto store and some old fashioned determination. Remember if you have to buy a heap cheap make sure the heap is 1994 or newer, older cars use "old" freon and require a conversion kit and a lot of bother to fix. It can be a bit nerve racking working on a A/C system since it is under high pressure, be sure to read the directions when trying for yourself. The air blows cold now and that is just what I am going to need rolling into the hottest month of the year, August. So witness now my first video blog, with the help of my friend Sarah as camerawoman, this rapidly edited video details some of the issues faced when working on you own car. Roll video...

Ooops due to technical difficulty with blog site, video is not available. Sorry, the above is a clip from the aforementioned video, just close your eyes and imagine me shaking that canister while attached to the A/C, engine running, and the pressure gauge registering "danger". Hope to upload later until then we have got to move on. The weekend is almost upon us and that is a particularly perilous time in the City.

P.S. Working on a car is easy compared to working on video, editing and posting it to the web!

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